Our in-house built Content Management System offers powerful simplicity and flexibility Here are a few of the features the our CMS has, built in, straight out of the box
- Create websites quickly - choose a template, drag in your required HTML component, add the content and publish.
- Multiple Sites - Create and manage more sites without logging off, 2 clicks and you switch the site you are working with.
- Manage and test page versions - create and preview different versions of the same page, when happy click publish.
- Styling - add your own styles to override our defaults, make the pages your own.
- Extendable - add client scripts to pages or components, giving you the flexibility to create a more dynamic user experience.
- Media - add your media in the easy to manage media manager library, quickly add images/video to pages.
- Users - add and manage multiple users to work on your site pages, with different levels of access.
- Integrate - pull rendered content into other systems or pages using our API.
- Multi Lingual - pages can be created for any language and automatically shown depending on client browser language.
The CMS is hosted by us within Microsoft Azure so availability is practically guaranteed. If you require more or wish to host the application yourselves then please
contact us for a discusion on integration and pricing.
We can offer a complete site design and build/rebuild service at competitive prices from initial design to implementation.